Local SEO

Local SEO is about bringing customers through your doors.

With the surge in mobile searches, where 58% of users look for local businesses on their smartphones every day, local SEO has become vital for businesses seeking to attract and retain customers within their communities. For local businesses, generating geographically-relevant traffic to your website via targeted local rankings is essential to reaching your desired customer demographic in your market.

What are local SEO ranking factors?

Local SEO ranking factors comprise the criteria that search engines take into account when determining the position of your website in local search results. These factors encompass:


  • Google My Business registration
  • Incorporating local keywords
  • Optimizing on-page elements for local relevance
  • Ensuring uniformity across local listings and directories
  • Evaluating the caliber of local inbound links
  • Assessing domain authority
  • Enhancing website interaction
  • Managing customer feedback and reputation
  • Verifying consistency in NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) data

How to do local SEO?

Implementing Local SEO entails enhancing multiple facets of your online presence to enhance your prominence in local search outcomes and allure a greater number of patrons. Fundamental steps in conducting local SEO encompass:

  • Asserting ownership and refining your Google My Business profile
  • Performing research on local keywords and adjusting your content accordingly
  • Verifying that the on-page components of your website are tailored for local context
  • Establishing and upholding uniformity across local citations and directory entries
  • Prioritizing the acquisition of reputable local backlinks
  • Promoting and overseeing customer reviews to bolster trust and credibility
  • Continuously monitoring and assessing your Local SEO performance to inform strategic adjustments


Increase in online transactions


Revenue increase


Increase in organic traffic


Increase in mobile traffic

Unique Agency, as a renowned Digital Marketing company, delivers exceptional local search engine optimization services to businesses around the globe. We recognize the power of local SEO in driving business success, and we’re here to help you excel in local digital marketing and search optimization.

With our approach your website will correctly target your audience which will significantly increase your profitability. Our team keeps your business’ online listings accurate and optimized for potential customers and mapping systems, providing an easy access your information and your business location.


Join forces with Unique Agency and harness our cutting-edge local SEO techniques to outshine your competitors and generate remarkable growth.

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